Level of difficulty can range from grade 1 to grade 6.
Submissions are accepted in Finale format. Finale defaults of fonts should be observed. Submission should be well edited and include a full score, and preferably a recording. If you have material that meets publication quality, please contact us.
Sibelius files are accepted but must be prepared publication ready. All editing must be done by the composer.
Do not send any materials to BRS Music, Inc. until you have contacted us and we have agreed to appraise your material. Unsolicited materials will not be accepted and will be destroyed unless a return envelope is provided.
Use the contact us feature on this web site to send us a message.
BRS Music, Inc. publishes music for woodwinds, band, orchestra and brass. Publications range from the beginning level through college and professional levels of music. Included in our catalog are materials for solo clarinet, clarinet trios, quartets and choir, flute solos, trios and choir, woodwind choir, miscellaneous woodwind ensembles, saxophone solos, trios and quartets. Our band and orchestra publications cover the complete range of performance levels. Listen to and view our publications at www.brsmusic.net.
Our editors, composers and arrangers all have taught music and understand the needs of the conductor in the preparation of their scores. Our scores include a full set of measure numbers, good page turns, and music that is well spaced and easy to read, printed on quality paper.